Archives for Australia

Beach Worming – Five Key Points

Catching Beach Worms – Detailed Instruction With Roger Osborne BEACH POSITION – proximity to wave zone When you are catching Beach Worms you will find worms at different positions on the beach. Some beach worms are higher up the beach and some lower down closer to the deep water. When you are learning it is better to target the worms that are higher up the beach. The reason for this is that you will have more time in between waves
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What Are Beach Worms?

What are Beach Worms? Polychaete(worm) Australonuphis commonly called the Australian beach worm is a genus of annelid often used as bait by fishermen. As the name suggests they live in the sand on ocean beaches generally between the high and low tide marks. Beach worms can grow to more than 2 meters in length and have a head with two fangs that they use to rip off pieces of dead fish or birds which are washed up onto the beach.
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Breaking All The Rules

Surf Fishing If you have been a fisherman for very long you will understand that sometimes surf fishing is unpredictable. Often the most important thing is just to have a line in the water. Anything can happen! One of the best fishermen that I know, simply goes fishing, regardless of tide, time, and conditions. He gets amazing fish when you wouldn’t expect it. Recently, while I was filming my Beach Worming Masterclass, I told my videographer that I would bring
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